Water supply and sanitation in Tunisia

Tunisia: Water and Sanitation
Water coverage (broad definition) 93%[1]
Sanitation coverage (broad definition) 85%[1]
Continuity of supply in Tunis 24 hours out of 24 (average 2003)[2]
Connection to sewerage network 81.6% (2007)[3]
Annual volume of exploitable water (hm3) 4670 (2004)[4]
Share of household metering n/a
Rate of mobilized Resources [hm3] 88% (2005)[5]
Annual investment in WSS n/a
Share of tax-financing n/a
Share of external financing n/a
Responsibility for police setting For Water Resources and Supply: The Ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulic Resources
For Sanitation: The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
National water and sanitation company For Water Supply: SONEDE[6]
For Sanitation: ONAS
Rate for Unaccounted water 18.2% (2004)[2]
Sector law Yes

Tunisia has achieved the highest access rates to water supply and sanitation services among the MENA countries through sound infrastructure policy. 96% of urban dwellers and 52% of the rural population already have access to improved sanitation. By the end of 2006, the access to safe drinking water became close to universal (approaching 100% in urban areas and 90% in rural areas).[1] Tunisia provides good quality drinking water throughout the year.[7]

Responsibility for the water supply systems in urban areas and large rural centres is assigned to the Sociéte Nationale d'Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux (SONEDE), a national water supply authority that is an autonomous public entity under the Ministry of Agriculture. Planning, design and supervision of small and medium water supplies and irrigation works in the remaining rural areas are the responsibility of the Direction Générale du Génie Rurale (DGGR). Managing investment planning and implementation of projects are conducted by the Commisariats Régionaux au Développement Agricole (CRDAs).

In 1974, ONAS was established to manage the sanitation sector. Since 1993, ONAS got the status of a main operator for protection of water environment and combating pollution.

The rate of unaccounted for water is very impressive, being 18.2% in 2004[2]



Access to Water and Sanitation in TUNISIA (2004)[1]
(64% of the population)
(36% of the population)
Water[1] Broad definition 99% 82% 93%
House connections 94% 38% 74%
Sanitation[1] Broad definition 96% 65% 85%
Sewerage 75% 4% 49%

According to the Joint Monitoring Program by WHO and UNICEF, 93% of the Tunisian population had access to an improved source of water and 85% to adequate sanitation in 2004. Between 1990 and 2004, access to water increased from 81% to 93%, while the access to sanitation increased from 75% to 85%.[1]

Tunisia has achieved the highest access rates to water supply and sanitation services among the MENA countries through sound infrastructure policy. 96% of urban dwellers and 52% of the rural population already have access to improved sanitation. By the end of 2006, access to safe drinking water has been expected to be close to universal (approaching 100% in urban areas and 90% in rural areas).[1]

According to the Tunisian Ministry of Development and International Cooperation, in 2006 92.6% of the population had access to drinking water in homes.[8]

Service quality

Continuity of supply

Tunis, the capital of Tunisia is able to provide 24-hour water with a supply of 110 liters per capita and day.[9] The continuity of supply is very good with respect to regional standards as it ensures good quality water throughout the year and has the lowest percentage of non-revenue water in the region.[7]

Drinking water quality

Tunisia provides a good drinking water quality throughout the year.[7] The quality of the water supplied by SONEDE and GBRE/ACI in rural areas varies according to local conditions.[10] Drinking water quality is monitored from production to distribution from bacteriological and physico-chemical quality. The national water distribution utility (SONEDE) and the Ministry of Health undertake this monitoring.[7]

Sewer services

The rate of connection to sewerage network in Tunisian urban areas increased from 20.6% in 1975 to 35.9% in 1987, and further up to 81.6% in 2007.[3]

Wastewater treatment

Since 1960, Tunisia has engaged in studies of the re-use of wastewater. Currently, 7,000 hectares (17,000 acres), planted primarily with orchards and for livestock feed, use treated water for irrigation consistent with national law.[11] The number of waste water treatment plants has gradually risen in the last decade and it is expected to reach 83 in 2006.[4] Currently, 61 wastewater treatment plants are in operation with 9,650 km (6,000 mi) of wastewater network collecting 178 hm3 (million cubic metres) wastewater.[12] The largest wastewater treatment plant is situated in Choutrana with a daily performance of 120,000 m3.[13]

Water resources

The annual total volume of exploitable water in Tunisia is about 4670 hm3, out of which about 57% (2700 hm3) is surface water and the remaining 43% (1970 hm3) groundwater.[4] Tunisia is a water stressed country with per capita renewable water availability of 486 m3—well below the average of 1200 m³/capita for the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) region.[4] Out of the available surface water resources of 2100 hm3, only about 1220 hm3 are expected to be captured for actual use. Eighteen existing dams, 21 projected dams and 235 hillside dams are expected to augment the available supply but rapid sedimentation of reservoirs will progressively reduce storage capacity and shorten life. Excessive groundwater extraction in the coastal regions of Cap Bon, Soukra and Ariana has resulted in saline intrusion in many areas leading to groundwater being unsuitable for further regions. Only 50% of all water resources have salinity levels lower than 1500 mg/l and can be used without restriction. 84% of all groundwater resources have salinity of more than 1500 mg/l, and 30% of the shallow aquifers more than 4000 mg/l.[4]

Table 1 shows accessible (A) and available water (B) in Tunisia in hm3 per year for different time-horizons[12][13]

Accessible and Available Water in Tunisia|[13]
2020 2030
Large Dams 1340 871 1800 1170 1750 1138 1750 138
Hillside Dams and Lakes 65 59 100 50 70 35 50 45
Tubewells and springs 997 997 1250 1150 1250 1000 1250 1000
Open Wells 720 720 720 720 720 620 720 550
Reclaimed Water 120 120 200 200 290 290 340 340
Desalinated Water 7 7 10 10 24 24 49 49
Total 3249 2774 4080 3300 4104 3107 4159 3122

Water use

The consumption of water was estimated by more than 2400 hm3 in Tunisia in which year?.[5] In 1996, 86% of the water withdrawals were allocated to the agricultural sector.[14] The water sector is also obliged to meet the increasing water demand for all urban and rural areas, the agriculture sector as well as for touristic and industrial needs. Through the management and development of water resources, the last decade 1990 -2000 has witnessed an increase in available water resources from 2.76 km3 in 1991 to 3.525 km3 in 2000. It is planned that the supply will reach 4.6 km3 by 2010. This will mainly be done by improving water saving, rationalizing water use and developing unconventional resources, including the use of treated sewage water.[15] According to estimations for the year 2030 by the Ministry of Agriculture, the demand of water would be stabilized of 2700 hm3 per year, even if the supposed population of Tunisia in 2030 will be about 13 million people and given today's regular demand would result in a demand of 3100 hm3 water per year.

History and recent developments

Evolution of water policy in Tunisia

The Water policy in Tunisia from the beginning of the second half of the 20th century until the 1970s contained the limited mobilization of the resources - with the construction of dams and reservoirs

From the beginning of the 1980s there was an enforcement of the dam policy and application of the Plans Directeurs des Eaux (Water Master Plan).[16]

In 1990 the Decennial Strategy (1990–2000) for the Mobilization of Water Resources and the Maximum Mobilization Maximale of available Resources was set up. This strategy was devised and implemented in order to provide integrated control of potential water sources. The cost of this ten year strategy approached two billion US dollars.[11] The following table shows the perspective concerning water resources in Tunisia:

Perspective Water Resources in Tunisia|[5]
Type of water resources
Potential resources [hm³]
Mobilizable resources [hm³] Mobilized resources [hm³]|
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Surface water 2700 2500 1179 1876 2200 2400 2500
Ground water 2140 2140 1576 1818 1860 1900 1940
Total 4840 4640 2755 3694 4060 4300 4440
Mobilization rate (%) 59 80 88 93 96

Recent developments

In 2003, the Ministry of Agriculture published the Water Master Plan for the water sector[7] Two main strategic options were identified and implemented: the 10 years strategy of water resources mobilization (2001–2011) initiated for the 1st time in 1990, and the long-term strategy (2030).

Responsibility for water supply and sanitation

Policy and regulation

The Ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulic Resources sets policies concerning conventional water resources in Tunisia, while the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development governs sanitation, wastewater and environmental planning.[15] Its hydraulic works section, the Diréction Générale des Grands Barrages et des Grands Travaux Hydrauliques (DGBGTH), is responsible for the construction of major water resources projects.[4]

Guiding and basic water laws

Compared to other North African countries, Tunisia has developed and adopted numerous laws and plans regarding its water resources not only recently. Water Master Plans (WMP) exist already since 1970, when a first WMP was drafted for the Northern part of Tunisia, as this is the region containing most of the resources and related activities. The Centre and South successively followed, 1977 and 1983 respectively. The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources developed these Plans, which is also responsible for the implementation and allocation of water resources.

Policies, projects and key points

The relatively high vulnerability of Tunisia’s water resources has led to numerous programmes and projects aiming at improving water use efficiency. The current status, major deficits and core strategies are well described in Tunisia’s country report on the water sector. Out of all relevant programs, the following national policies can be deduced:[17]

a) The continuous development and mobilization of available water resources in order to reach a mobilization rate of 95%.

b) The integrated management of water resources, in particular the enhancement of transferring excess water volumes from rainy periods to seasons of drought.

c) Water saving and the control of demand across all sectors.

d) The further development of non-conventional water resources through expanding the use of treated wastewater in agriculture and desalinating brackish water for uses across all sectors.

e) The protection of water resources against pollution and over-exploitation.

In order to fulfill these policies, three major strategies have been put into place:

1. The Decennial Water Resources Mobilization Strategy (1990–2000): The major priority of this strategy is the increase of supply. The construction of more than 200 small and large dams and the drilling of more than 1000 deep groundwater wells have led to improvements of use of Tunisia's available water resources from 60% in 1990 to 87.5% in 2004. The total budget for the strategy was 2000 MTD (million Tunisian dinar) = 1678 million USD[18]).

2. The complementary strategy (2001–2011): The strategy attempts to realize long-term objectives, in particular the sustainable balance of demand and available water resources. It partly consists of similar measures compared to the mobilization strategy, aiming at reaching a mobilization rate of 95%.

Furthermore, the strategy puts an emphasis on regulation measures between wet and dry years, water and soil conservation measures, and the recharge of aquifers. The decennial strategy is divided into two 5-year plans, the Xth development plan (2002–2006) and the XIth development plan (2007–2011).

3. The long-term strategy (until 2030): The long-term strategy mainly builds up on the Water Master Plans for the north, center and south of Tunisia described in section 2. The strategy consists of a high number of studies and research programs with the target to plan and manage water resources more efficiently on a long run.

Service provision

Water supply

The National Water Supply Authority in Tunisia (SONEDE) is responsible for the provision of water supply services in Tunisia. SONEDE is a public non-administrative entity placed under supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, and Hydraulic Resources (MAERH).[19]

Planning and investment for the allocation of drinking water in rural areas is conduced by the Direction Générale du Genie Rurale (DGGR), which acts in the framework of the Ministry of Agriculture and user associations (Groupements d’interêt collectif (GIC)).[7]

The water sector in Tunisia has so far only seen very limited private participation. To date, private participation in the water sector is limited to a contracting programme. Despite a 1999 study on contracting, very few activities have been contracted out (security and cleaning). However, the government envisages financing a desalination plant planned for Jerba through a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT).[7]


The Office National de l'Assainissement (ONAS),is responsible for the sanitation in cities, industrial and tourist zones. The mandate of the ONAS also includes protection of the environment. In 1974, ONAS has been established in order to manage the sanitation sector. Since 1993, ONAS got the status of a main operator for protection of water environment and combating pollution.

Missions of ONAS:[3]

The Directorate of Rural Engineering is responsible for sanitation in rural zones not covered by ONAS, and the municipalities are responsible for collecting and disposing of solid waste as well as drainage systems for the flow of rainwater.[7]

Economic efficiency

In 2002,SONEDE had around 7038 employees, 5865 of which were permanent and 1173 occasional. The number of employees per 1000 connections is of the order of 4.1, constantly but slowly reducing: SONEDE can always do better in this respect, the ratio of the two water and sanitation (ONAS) services taken together is of the order of 10 employees per 1000 connections, well above international standards.[7]

The performance of ONAS similar good with respect to regional standards, but its effectiveness could be improved, because of its high ratio of employees per connection. The very good performance of Tunisia in sanitation can be explained by the relatively high recovery of costs. The current downward trend in the recovery of costs is thus worrying. Actions and decisions will have to be taken before a vicious circle sets in. In 2002, ONAS had 5500 employees, 4000 of which were permanent and 1500 occasional. The existence of 66 sewage treatment works in good working order is a remarkable and unique result for borrowers of the Bank in the region.[7]

Non-revenue water

Tunisia has a very impressive low rate of non-revenue water with 18.2% in 2004[2]

Financial aspects


Based on a proposal by SONEDE and following approval by the board, the water tariff is ultimately approved by the government (Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Hydraulic Resources, and the Ministry of Finance), which has on occasions refused requests for tariff adjustments.[19]

Pricing for drinking water in Tunisia is similar to other countries in MENA Region. It contains a part of a fix contribution and a proportional part dependant on the consumption of water. In 2001, the tariffication of drinking water in Tunisia was composed as following:[7]

Tariffication of drinking water in Tunisia[7]
Consumption in m³/3-month period
Tariff in DT per m³
0-20 0.135
21-40 0.215
41-70 0.43
71-150 0.65
more than 150 0.79

The exchange rate of the Tunisian Dinar to the US Dollar is 1.00 TND = $0.729968 US.[20]

Regularly, SONEDE reviews the tariffs, taking inflation and contribution to investments into consideration. Sanitation fees are invoiced and collected by SONEDE, which corresponds to good international practices on the one hand, but on the other it makes it impossible for ONAS itself to improve the collection of the bills from its customer accounts.[7]

Cost recovery

SONEDE covers its operation and maintenance costs (and a small fraction of the investment costs) with its tariffs. The price of drinking water in Tunisia is uniform throughout the country and is not seen as an obstacle to development. Drinking water charges allow for the recovery of operating and maintenance costs as well as capital investments in hydraulic systems.[11]


Public Investments from the budget of the ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulic are composed as following[17]
Public Investments [MTD] Part of water sector [MTD] Percentage Rate [%]
10th Plan (2002–2006) 1975.4 1252.1 63
11th Plan (2007–2011) 2887.9 1580.1 55

The investments of ONAS should go from 390 million TD in the 9th Plan to 525 million TD in the 10th Plan, i.e. an increase of 32%. Compared to the SONEDE investments in the water sector, investment in the sanitation sector remains higher. This is an important point as in the majority of other developing countries sanitation is neglected with respect to water supplies. The corollary is that sanitation prices are high with respect to regional standards, showing a sustained effort in the collection of costs which is absent in almost all other developing countries.[7]


Concerning the sector financing, the situation in Tunisia represent is shown in the figure below[17] in MTD.

Financing of Water Sector in Tunisia|[17]
Financing Source
10th Plan
11th Plan
Investments  % Investments  %
National Budget 947 48 1300 45
External Loans 808 41 1300 45
Grants 150 8 200 7
Self-financing 70 3 28 3
Total 1975 100 2888 100

External cooperation

External partners have played a major role in the development of the water and sanitation sector in Tunisia. The French Development Agency AFD, the African Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the German development bank KfW and the World Bank are among Tunisia's major external partners in the water sector.

Multi donor projects

Water sector investment project. In 2000 the World Bank approved the first water sector investment project (PISEAU) implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources with a total cost of 258 million USD. It was financed together with KfW development bank, which contributed USD 17.5 million, while the World Bank financed USD 103 million. It is not clear how the remaining resources were financed. The Main objective of the project was to promote integrated water resources management, together with a better policy for water resources conservation. The project consists of five components: An irrigation management component, a groundwater management component, a water conservation and environmental protection component, a rural drinking water supply component, and an institutional strengthening and capacity building component. The measures taken are expected to significantly improve the productivity of agriculture and increase access to drinking water for rural population. In 2007 the project was concluded.[21]

A follow-up project (PISEAU II) was supported by the African Development Bank with €22.91 million ($31.3 million), as well as by AFD (USD 61 million), the World Bank (USD 31 million) and KfW. The project includes the improvement of conventional water resources including dams, boreholes and surface wells, as well as non-conventional water sources – wastewater and brackish water. The project’s target group is Tunisia’s rural population, across the country’s 24 governorates. The project will help improve living conditions by increasing the amount of irrigated agriculture and providing a better supply of drinking water. Furthermore the project is implemented with the participation in decisions about the choice of investments through Agricultural Development Groups (ADGs) for irrigation and drinking water. Moreover, the project intends to assist the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, in order to improve the water resources management in Tunisia. The closing date of the project is planned for the year 2015. The total project cost is € 122 million ($167.56 million), excluding the financing from KfW which was approved only in 2010 (check).[22][23][24][25][26]

Network rehabilitation and extension and capacity building of ONAS. The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), a German public-sector financial institution, co-finances together with the Agence Française de Développement, the French agency for development cooperation, the Network rehabilitation and extension and capacity building project. The total cost of the investment is about 80 million EUR. The project is implemented in the Gouvernorate of Kairouan and its aims consists in the rehabilitation and extension of the primary and secondary networks in the city of Kairouan and in the sanitation of 30 poor neighborhoods.[27]

PISEAU II The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), a German public-sector financial institution, contributed in 2009 with an amount of 1 Million Euro a 127 Million investment for the water sector on the territory of Tunisia. KfW gives its contribution through tariffs studies and user group policies studies. The objective of the project, named PISEAU II, is the creation and rehabilitation of the irrigation systems, and the rural water supply. The project also includes a large number of accompanying activities, studies and technical assistance to strengthen the sustainability of the works and improve the water management at national level as well as the water strategy policy in the country and the regulation of the tariffs politics.[28]

African Development Bank

The African Development Bank co-finances projects with other external partners in the water sector (see under multi-donor projects).

European Investment Bank

ONAS 4 rehabilitation project. In 2006 the European Investment Bank signed the ONAS 4 rehabilitation project. The total cost is EUR 90 million. The project aims to finance the collection and treatment of wastewater in different towns. The treated wastewater will be reused for farming purposes. It supports the upgrading of the primary and secondary networks in Greater Tunis; the expansion and rehabilitation of the sanitation systems in the towns of Monastir, Mahdia, Gabès, Medenine, Tataouine and Gafsa; extension of the South Hammamet treatment plant; construction of three wastewater treatment plants in the towns of Enfidha/Hergla, Menzel Temime and Tazarka/Somâa/ Mâamoura.[29]


Rehabilitation and extension of 19 WWTPs. The French Development Agency (AFD) has approved a loan of EUR 18.5 million to upgrade and expand 19 wastewater treatment plants and 130 pumping stations in 11 governorates. The treated water from some plants will be reused for irrigation.[30]


Germany co-finances projects with other external partners in the water sector through financial cooperation projects implemented by KfW.(see under multi-donor projects).

World Bank

Greater Tunis sewerage and reuse project. In 1997 the World Bank approved the Greater Tunis Sewerage and Reuse project. The total investment amounts to 107 million USD. The implementing agencies of the project are ONAS and the Ministry of Agriculture. The project will finance the improvement of urban sewerage services and drinking water supply services. The project promotes the re-use of wastewater for irrigation purposes. Furthermore the project promotes the reduction of urban pollution and the coastal degradation through the introduction of new technologies and technical assistance. The project concluded in 2005.[31]

Urban water supply project. In 2005 the World Bank approved a USD 38 million loan to SONEDE for an urban water supply project in Tunisia. The project objective consists in improving the quality of water in Greater Tunis and other selected urban centres. In order to achieve its objective the project intends to modernize and upgrade the water supply infrastructures and enhance the sustainability of SONEPE activities. The closing date of the project is planned for the year 2012.[32][33]

Tunis West sewerage. In 2006 the World Bank approved the Tunis West Sewerage project. The investment totals about USD 72 million, 67 of which is financed by the World Bank. The project aims to improve the quality of sanitation services in Greater Tunis and of the sewerage sector and promotes reuse of wastewater for irrigation and the improvement of ONAS performance through capacity building. The closing date of the project is planned for the year 2012.[34]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h World Health Organization; UNICEF. "Joint Monitoring Program". http://www.wssinfo.org. Retrieved 2008-03-02. 
    World Health Organization; UNICEF (2006). "Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. Coverage Estimates Improved Drinking Water.". Archived from the original on 2007-10-05. http://web.archive.org/web/20071005095727/http://www.wssinfo.org/pdf/country/TUN_wat.pdf. Retrieved 2008-03-07. 
    World Health Organization; UNICEF (2006). "Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. Coverage Estimates Improved Drinking Sanitation.". http://www.wssinfo.org/pdf/country/TUN_san.pdf. Retrieved 2008-03-07. 
  2. ^ a b c d Private Sector Participation and Regulatory Reform in Urban Water Supply: The Middle East and North African Experience, Edouard Perard, OECD Experts’ Meeting on Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation in Africa, Paris, December 1, 2006
  3. ^ a b c Contribution of wastewater treatment to groundwater protection- experiences in Tunisa, Khaled Mehrez, National Sanitation Utility “ONAS”
  4. ^ a b c d e f 15. Treated Wastewater Use in Tunisia: Lessons learned and the Road Ahead, Shobba Shetty, The World Bank, Jakarta, Indonesia
  5. ^ a b c (French) Raqya Al Atiri, Diréction générale du génie rural et de l’exploitation des eaux, Ministère de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Hydrauliques:Evolution institutionnelle et réglementaire de la gestion de l’eau en Tunisie, in:L’avenir de l’agriculture irriguée en Méditerranée, Actes du séminaire Wademed, Cahors, France, 6-7 novembre 2006, accessed on March 21, 2010
  6. ^ Sociéte Nationale dExploitation et de Distribution des Eaux
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n (French) Ministere du Developpement et de la Cooperation Internationale, Banque Mondiale et Programme “Participation Privee dans les infrastructures mediterreeanees”(PPMI):Etude sur la participation privée dans les infrastructures en Tunisie, Volume III, 2004, accessed on March 21, 2010
  8. ^ Tunisian Minsitry of Development and International Cooperation from 2006
  9. ^ Original text of article carried in the Times of India on October 27, 2005 entitled “There is a hole in the bucket” by Sumir Lal, Advisor, External Affairs, World Bank
  10. ^ Welfare Consequences of water supply alternatives in rural Tunisia, Slim Zekri, Ariel Dinar; Ecole Superieur d’Agriculture de Mograne, Tunisia; Rural Développement Department of the World bank, accepted on 14 November 2001(PPMI)
  11. ^ a b c Water in Tunisia: A National Perspective, Armeur Horchani- State of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Tunisia
  12. ^ a b Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia, 1998
  13. ^ a b c Akissa BAHRI, National Institute for Research on Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forestry:Water Reuse in Tunisia: stakes and prospects, Actes de l’atelier du PCSI, Montpellier, France, 28-29 mai 2002, accessed on March 21, 2010
  14. ^ a b Water Governance Program for Arab States, Draft terms of reference national needs assessement in Tunisia, UNDP
  15. ^ Centre National de la Recherche scientifique- Les resources en eaux en Tunisie Bilan et Perspective, extrait de la letter n° 16
  16. ^ a b c d Etat, Defis Majeurs et Axes Strategiques du secteur de l’eau en Tunisie, Rapport National de "Ministère de l’agriculture et des ressources hydrauliques, Republique Tunisienne" Mekki HAMZA, Novembre 2006
  17. ^ www.waehrungsrechner.de (6 January 2004 or 1 June 2004) 1 Tunisian dinar = $0.83879
  18. ^ a b Mapping the Accountability Framework of a Utility to Actors in the Environment, Capacity Building Module, attributes of well-performing water utilities, case study Tunisia
  19. ^ Universal Currency Converter www.xe.com, 16.12.2008
  20. ^ World Bank (2000-06-18). Projects - Tunisia : Water Sector Investment Loan Project. http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?Projectid=P035707&theSitePK=40941&piPK=64290415&pagePK=64283627&menuPK=64282134&Type=Overview. Retrieved 2010-06-02. 
  21. ^ African Development Bank:Projects - Tunisia : sector investment project (PISEAU II), 16 December 2008, accessed on June 20, 2010
  22. ^ The African Development Bank, Tunis 11 December 2008 €23 Million Loan to Finance Water Sector project in Tunisia
  23. ^ Le Quotidien:Mobilisation des ressources hydrauliques: Le «PISEAU 2» entre en action
  24. ^ World Bank: Tunisia Water Sector Investment Loan Project
  25. ^ World Bank (2009-09-01). Projects - Tunisia : Second water sector investment loan. http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P095847. Retrieved 2010-06-02. 
  26. ^ ONAS (2009-06-15). Network rehabilitation and extension and capacity building of ONAS. http://www.onas.nat.tn/en/projet_en_cours_par_region.php?code=12. Retrieved 2010-06-15. 
  27. ^ KfW (2010-08-04). [Oral communication PISEAU II]. Oral communication. Retrieved 2010-08-04. 
  28. ^ European Investment Bank (2006-06). Projects - Tunisia : ONAS 4 rehabilitation project. http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2004/20040151.htm?lang=-en. Retrieved 2010-06-10. 
  29. ^ Agence Française de Développement (2010). Projects - Tunisia : Rehabilitation and extension of 19 WWTPs. http://www.afd.fr/jahia/Jahia/site/afd/lang/fr/pid/11115. Retrieved 2010-06-20. 
  30. ^ World Bank (2005-11-02). Projects - Tunisia : Greater tunis sewerage and reuse project. http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&contentFed=yes&Projectid=P005731. Retrieved 2010-06-02. 
  31. ^ World Bank (2005-11-17). Projects - Tunisia : Urban water supply project. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20727560~menuPK:3325337~pagePK:34370~piPK:34424~theSitePK:4607,00.html. Retrieved 2010-06-02. 
  32. ^ World Bank (2005-11-01). Projects - Tunisia : Urban water supply project. http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?Projectid=P064836&Type=Overview&theSitePK=40941&pagePK=64283627&menuPK=64282134&piPK=64290415. Retrieved 2010-06-14. 
  33. ^ World Bank (2006-06-11). Projects - Tunisia : Tunis west sewerage. http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P099811. Retrieved 2010-06-02. 

External links